Lean Startup Process

Lean startup process is one of the best methods to make a product successful.

Lean Startup Process

Lean startup process is one of the best methods to make a product successful. To take feedback from real users for every major release, we at Leedskem use interaction and event-based advanced analytics measures that measure user flow, user experience, satisfaction and deliver feedback with real time interaction



Learning with problems and inefficiencies and improving the process is one of the best ways to move forward. We at Leedskem define, allocate and optimize user flow interactions that help the startup to focus and pivot if needed.

Building solutions that can solve real problems and scale with unpredictable users growth, comply with geo-specific government regulations can be a challenge and distract the core team from product development. Leedskem help startups with productivity management, on flow development and intensive execution to reach development milestones.

Measuring user experiences, emotions, and interaction with the app can benefit startups build high-level consumer-focused solutions. We also startups in implementing ML, AI to help businesses automate the boring stuff and focus on product development.

Stage Gate Process

Lean Startup Process

Ideo Process


Sustainable Energy

We are focused on building a long-term, sustainable energy.